Waterproof Breathable Socks


Porelle Drys and Sealskinz waterproof breathable socks - the differences are colour and sizing. If you don't see a black "add to cart" button, try choosing the other style in case a button appears.

£ 20.00

  • Usual style
  • Style B

Data sheet

Brand Sealskinz / Porelle Drys

More info

Larger sizes are in the usual Sealksinz mid-light style.
Smaller sizes are in style B, which has bolder contrasting colours and a less stretchy membrane, so it comes in separate sizes rather than size ranges, which is better for customers but worse for shopkeepers. It's made by the same company under their previous brand, Porelle Drys. To save having two pages for waterproof socks, big though the market is, the two styles are combined here. You will most likely have to click on a round button after "And" to make the black "Add to cart" button appear; it doesn't show if a combination is not in stock.

Size  5:    Porelle Drys        from Porvair
Size  6:    Porelle Drys        from Porvair
Size  7:    Porelle Drys        from Porvair

Pictures of Porelle drys should follow soon; at the moment all choices show Sealskinz. Open this image in a new tab to see full-size.

Size  6-8:  Sealskinz Mid-Light from Porvair
Size  9-11: Sealksinz Mid Light from Porvair
Size 12-14: Sealksinz Mid Light from Porvair